Dear neighbors,
Seeing the atrocities inflicted by Hamas unfold in Israel has the entire world shaken and dismayed. While many lovingly joke that Haworth is Mayberry or Stars Hollow, we are not unaffected by world events. Lives lost to natural disasters here and abroad rock us to the core. The war in Ukraine persists and touches so many personally here at home. Armenians have recently felt history repeating itself across the globe, and again people here are affected.
And here in Haworth, we have many Israeli families who now fear for their loved ones’ safety. and watch the coverage in horror with the rest of us. Watching a terror attack against civilians in real time reminds many of us of the horrors of 9/11 in the US, and the number of losses is proportionally similar.
We don’t wish to slip into political posturing or opining. We simply want to, again, reassure all of our Haworth residents, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity or political persuasion that Haworth is a safe place for free expression. It’s a place made up of the type of people who give time, money, and resources both here at home, and to support those in need around the globe. Many of our own are scared and hurting, and need to feel seen and supported. Please meet each other with compassion and grace. There are many relief organizations doing good work for places in crisis so see what you can do to make a positive impact.
And let’s hope for good weather Saturday so we can come together for a beautiful Haworth Day in our very own hidden gem.
The Mayor and Council
Additionally, if you know American citizens looking to get out, here is the information to get assistance from the State Department.