
Dear Haworth Neighbors,

We understand that the acts of terror in Israel, combined with a worldwide call for potential acts of violence on October 13th, have left many of us feeling anxious and frightened

I have been in constant contact with Chief Gracey, and he in turn is regularly coordinating with Haworth School administration about school security.

While we have received no threats, and have no specific concerns locally, we are being proactive and vigilant. You will see an increased police presence around school tomorrow. Please don't be alarmed by the increase in safety measures or take it to mean imminent threats.

Please share this message with friends and neighbors that have not already signed up for our email updates (and encourage them to do so by visiting the Borough website).

And it is always important that if you see or hear something that you perceive to be dangerous, please share with the police department and/or myself.

Thank you.

Mayor, Borough of Haworth