
April 5 Update


Hello Haworth,


Following up on train safety, I had a Zoom meeting 3 weeks ago with members of the council, Chief Gracey, Congressman Gottheimers Deputy Chief of Staff and the Director of State Relations from CSX.


Key takeaways: there is an app that is a safety tool for First Responders. The app provides First Responders with immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency. Our police force and lead fire & ambulance personnel all have the app.


As for tracking frequency and freight, the schedule depends on their customer demand so it varies. CSX uses the distributed power system which they have determined to be safer than electronic braking. They are on track to upgrade their fleet to DOT 117 tank cars ahead of the Congressionally mandated 2029 deadline. Importantly, the most flammable items they transport are already carried in those safer cars.


We will continue to communicate with our federal representatives as well as CSX, and they have assured us they will continue to be as responsive and cooperative as theyve been thus far.


I wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday week.




Mayor, Borough of Haworth 




During the month of April, the Haworth Police Department will be cracking down on distracted drivers during April as part of New jersey’s U Drive, U Text, U Pay enforcement campaign.


Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a persons attention away from the primary task of driving. These types of distractions include: texting, using a cellphone or smartphone, adjusting the radio or GPS, applying makeup, eating and drinking. But its cell phone use — specifically, texting, talking, and social media use — that has become the most common distraction. Texting, which includes messaging, is considered the most dangerous type of distracted driving because it combines visual, manual and cognitive distraction.


Consider these tips for safe driving:

•   If you must send or receive a text, pull over to a safe location and park your car first.If you have passengers, appoint a designated texter” to handle all your texting.

  • Do not engage in social media scrolling or messaging while driving.
  • Cell phone use is habit-forming. Struggling to not text and drive? Activate your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” feature, or put your phone in the trunk, glove box, or backseat of your vehicle until you arrive at your destination.




With New Jersey now in peak wildfire season, the Forest Fire Service is reminding the public of important safety tips to help reduce the possibility of wildfires across the state.


Peak wildfire season in New Jersey typically runs from mid-March through May, when weather warms, humidity decreases and winds pick up. The Forest Fire Service issues annual reminders to the public to be cautious with outdoor fires during this time and provides guidance on reducing wildfire risk. The vast majority of wildfires in New Jersey are caused by humans.


New Jersey wildfire concerns heighten at this time of year because trees and bushes do not yet have full leaves, which leads to more sun reaching the forest floor and, when coupled with breezy or windy days, increasingly dry fallen leaves and pine needles. The dry underbrush acts as kindling for wildfire growth.


Here are some practices to use for fire safety in and around the home:


  • Recycle: Get rid of old newspapers, magazines and junk mail. These items tend to pile up and can greatly contribute to the severity and spread of fire.
  • Check and clean filters in the exhaust fan above stove. 
  • Pull refrigerator out and vacuum or dust the coils. 
  • Always keep stairs and landings clear for safe evacuation in event of an emergency. 
  • Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, change batteries immediately if needed. Check your fire extinguishers. 
  • Check for overloaded or damaged extension cords, replace where needed. 
  • Make sure your address numbers are up and visible from the street. 
  • Maintain a clear 'fire zone' of 10' around structures. 
  • Check outdoor electrical outlets and other electrical appliances for animal nests and to ensure proper wiring. 
  • Keep 100' of garden hose with an attached nozzle connected and ready for use. 
  • Remove leaves and trash from carports and garages. Combustible materials are dangerous if they are exposed to heated automobile components, especially under the vehicle. 
  • Clean up and properly store paints, pool and yard chemicals. 
  • Check fuel containers for leaks and make sure they are properly stored. 
  • Let ALL gas power equipment sit for approximately 30 minutes before placing it inside to be sure there is no possibility of fire.

Check the Haworth Fire Department page on the Borough Website for more fire safety precautions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Haworth Fire Department at 201- 384-1836 or Haworthchief151@gmail.com 




Grass and yard debris pick-up began on Monday, April 3rd and continues every Monday through October 30th.  Residents should put all debris in open containers CURBSIDE for Monday grass and yard debris pick up.  Place at curbside in re-usable containers only. Containers to be maximum 30 gallons.

Branches under 3 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter or less are considered yard debris and should be placed in an open container at the curb for pickup by the garbage contractor on Mondays.

Any branches over 3 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter may be put at the curb for DPW workers to chip.

Please note: It is illegal to sweep, rake or otherwise place lawn trimmings, leaves, twigs, etc. into the gutter, right-of-way or other public place within the Borough, including Borough parks and lots. Leaves may be placed at the curb only during the leaf season each fall.





Fitness Challenge


This years challenge will run for 6 weeks from March 20th until May 1st.  It is a great way to start a new fitness and healthy lifestyle program or make an existing exercise routine better. 

All of the information for this year's challenge and weekly updates and announcements will be posted on the Haworth Board of Health facebook page Haworth Board of Health Facebook as well as the Fitness Challenge Haworth Fit Instagram page.


Child Healthcare Conference


Free physical Exams for Children. The Haworth BOH offers a monthly Child Health Conference for children from birth through age 6 where they may receive complete medical physical exams and all required immunizations. Children ages 7 -18 years of age may receive immunizations only. 


Services are free and provided by a Pediatrician and Public Health Nurse. Appointments are required. Sessions are held at the Borough of Hillsdale, 380 Hillsdale Avenue, in the lower level.

For more information, call (201) 666-4800, ext. 1528.




Applications for Haworth’s Summer Recreational Activities are now active on the website! Online payments are available for  Haworth Tennis, Haworth Pickleball and the Haworth Swim Club. (Please note that Convenience Fees will apply.) 



Click on the following pages for applications and more information:

Haworth Pickleball

Haworth Har-Tru Tennis Club

Haworth Swim Club


There is also an icon on the website to take you directly to the online payment option.


There’s so much to do in Haworth in the summertime - stick around and have fun with your neighbors!




Egg Hunt

Save the date for the Annual Egg Hunt -

Sat, April 8th at 11am

Haworth Memorial Field - Toddlers through Second Grades welcome!

Meet us at Memorial Field to take a picture with the bunny, and don't forget to bring your basket!


Summer Rec


The Haworth  Recreation program summer camp is being held at the Haworth Public School from July 5th-August 11th, Mon-Fri 9:30-2:30.  We take campers who are entering Kindergarten this fall through 6th grade.  We have many awesome plans  including: STEM activities, games, sports, arts and crafts, story time, music...and of course lots of splashing and cool fun at the pool.   Please join us! 


Use the link below to register and pay online.  If you have any questions please reach out to the Director Dawn Hoyng, HaworthSummerRecreation@gmail.com




Haworth Rec Counselor Applications


Applications for Summer Recreation Camp Counselor are open and available at https://www.haworthnj.org/index.asp...


The application link will be open until April 28th. Applications will not be  accepted after that date.  All applicants must be 14 years of age by  July 1, 2023.  

Haworth residents are given priority.  Interviews will be held in May.  

Contact Dawn Hoyng at HaworthSummerRecreation@gmail.com if you have any questions.  





Spotted Lanternfly Presentation

April 22nd 

Haworth Elementary School Pavilion

11:00 am — 2:00 pm

Come anytime!


Tim Kolkebeck is doing an Eagle Scout Project on the Spotted Lanternfly. He will be making traps and educating the public on the Spotted Lanternfly. This is to keep people aware of what they do and how they can affect us.